Pineapple Buns 菠萝包

菠萝包里没有菠萝,因为它的外形印有菠萝的花纹🍍香甜酥软, 真的很好吃!



No pineapples involved. It's just the appearance that resembles a 🍍. 

I have been wanting to make this Pineapple bread  (the Hong Kong Restaurant famous Pineapple bread) for a long long time... now, it's finally done and the bread is really delicious!  The bread turned out beautifully, with a cookie crust on top, so delicious! 😘

I refer to a few recipes and finally chose the recipe of [Taste Daddy], but I did some minor changes which I added 70g of "sponge dough" and the bread turned out very soft. 😉



👇This is how I eat the Pineapple buns~~ add a piece of butter... so yummy! You can add a slice of cheese, it taste as good as butter! 😘

材料Ingredients(八个份量/8 buns):
250g bread flour 高筋面粉
75g water  清水
50g milk
25g egg 鸡蛋液
3g instant yeast 即溶酵母
15g milk powder奶粉 
25g sugar白砂糖 
70g  sponge dough (老面)*(我加了这个)
2g salt盐 
15g unsalted butter室温无盐牛油

菠萝脆皮的材料 Ingredient for the topping:
70g all purpose flour低筋面粉
15g egg 鸡蛋液
50g unsalted butter无盐牛油 
15g milk powder奶 粉
30g sugar白砂糖 

1. 把牛油加入砂糖揉均匀

Topping dough:
1. Add butter and sugar and mix well.
2. Add the egg mixture and mix well.
3. Add sifted flour and milk powder and mix well into a dough.
4. Put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.


(A) Make the topping:
1. Remove the crispy skin from the refrigerator.
2. Divided into 8 equal portions.
3. Placed one portion in between of  two plastic wraps and flattened it.

1. 将所有材料放入搅拌机搅拌(除了牛油和盐)。
2. 然后加入牛油和盐搅拌至光滑起筋。
3. 取出搓成一个圆团后,放回搅拌机里,用保鲜膜覆盖,进行第一次发酵,大约45分钟。
4. 发酵后分割成8个等分(约65g),滾圆,用保鲜膜覆盖面团以防止干燥,松弛15分钟。
5. 拍打面团排气,然后作最后造形。预热烤箱180C。
6. 准备做菠萝脆皮👉依照程序(A)
7. 裹上面团,放在烤盘上切割网格状造型
8. 在脆皮上塗上蛋液
9. 放入已预热180C烤卢中层,烘烤18分钟左右。

Bread dough method:
1. Mix all ingredients in a mixer and knead well(except butter and salt).
2. Add in butter and salt and continue kneading to form a smooth dough.
3. Form the dough to a ball and put it back in the mixer bowl, covered and carry out the first fermentation( double in size), about 45 mins.
4. After fermentation, divide into 8 equal portions (about 65g each), shape into a round ball, cover with cling wrap and rest for 15 minutes.
5. Press the dough to release air burble, then make the final shape and cover with cling wrap. Preheat the oven at 180C.
6. Prepare to make topping, follow the step 👉(A)
7. Put the topping on top the dough, and put the dough on a baking tray, and cut the shape.
8. Apply egg wash onto the topping .
9. Bake in the preheated oven 180C for 18-20 mins.

Recipe modified from: 拾味爸爸SHIWEIBABA

Happy Baking!
