Herbal Tea Eggs茶叶蛋


Ingredients :
15 eggs(Grade B)鸡蛋(B蛋)
1 packet of Herbal Egg Spices(Masfood brand, have 2 packets inside, use both)1包茶叶蛋配料
5 tbp light soy sauce淡酱油
1 tbp thick black soy sauce浓黑酱油
1/2 tbp salt盐
Water 适量的水

Method :

  1. Gently place the washed eggs in a pot and fill with water to cover the eggs by 2-3inch.
  2. Bring the pot to a boil, lower the heat and let simmer for 5 minutes. Rinse the eggs with cold water till they are cooled.
  3. Gently tap the eggs on the table to crack the eggshell. The more you tap, the more intricate the design. 
  4. Return the eggs to the pot (previous boiled water pot )and add in the herbal egg spices. Bring the mixture to a boil and immediately turn the heat to low. Simmer for 2.5 hours, turn off heat and let eggs steep for a few hours or eat it after half an hour later.

方法 :

  1. 将洗过的鸡蛋轻轻放入锅中,加水掩盖鸡蛋多2英寸高的水量。
  2. 将水煮沸,用小火,煮5分钟。 取出鸡蛋,用冷水冲洗鸡蛋直至冷却。
  3. 将鸡蛋在桌子上轻轻敲几下,将蛋壳打碎。 敲打越多,就越多纹理。
  4. 将鸡蛋放回锅中(之前煮沸的水锅)并加入香料包,大火煮沸后,立即转去小火煮2.5小时,熄火,让鸡蛋浸泡几个小时或半小时后就可以吃了。

Happy cooking !!
