Donuts 甜甜圈(4)

These light and airy doughnuts will make a wonderful treat for afternoon tea or breakfast. You may dip them in chocolate glaze or sugar glaze.


- Warm Water  300 ml
- Salt  1 tsp
- Instant yeast  1 packet
- Condensed Milk  2 tbsp
- Bread flour  500 g
- 1 egg
- Cooking oil  2 tbsp

1. Add condensed milk and yeast in warm water and stir well.

2. In a large bowl, add in flour, salt, egg and oil. Stir in yeast mixture in three batches and used hand to stir the flour till form a soft dough(the dough is still sticky) . Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 hour.

3. Transfer dough onto a floured surface, knead for 2 to 3 minutes or until smooth and rest for 10 mins. Roll out to 1/2-inch thickness. Cut with a floured  doughnut cutter. Place on greased baking sheets, cover and let rest for 10 minutes . Meanwhile, heat oil on low heat.

4.  Fry doughnuts, a few at a time, about 1-2 minutes or until golden brown on each side. Drain on paper towels. 

5. Dip top of donuts in sugar glaze and chocolate glaze and place on a rack until the glaze are set. (add topping if you wish.)

For glaze:
1.  combine 4 tablespoons confectioner's sugar, 11/2 tbsp milk and vanilla, stir to dissolve sugar. 

2 . Use double boiler, heat 1 cup button chocolates,  gradually add 1+1/2 tbsp milk and stir until smooth, remove from heat, adding confectioner's sugar (abt 2tbsp) to make a dipping consistency.

1. This doughnut recipe is no need to knead and only need one time proofing.
2. This doughnut recipe can make about 3 dozen small size doughnuts. 
3. This doughnut texture is slightly chewy.
4. This doughnut recipe can be halved, but remain one egg and use 5g instant yeast.

 - 温水 300毫升
 - 盐 1茶匙
 - 即溶酵母 1包
 - 炼乳 2汤匙
 - 高筋面粉 500克
 -  1个鸡蛋
 - 食用油 2汤匙






1.将4汤匙糖粉与1 1/2汤匙牛奶和1/2小匙香草精混合,搅拌至糖溶解。


1. 这个甜甜圈食谱免揉,一次发酵法。
2. 这个甜甜圈食谱可以制作大约30个小的甜甜圈。
3. 这款甜甜圈的口感软中带Q。
4. 这个甜甜圈食谱可以减半,不过还是用一个鸡蛋和5克酵母。

Happy Making!
