My Heart Chiffon Cake有心戚风蛋糕

Today is "Father's Day".  So, I decided to bake this "My Heart Chiffon Cake" for my beloved husband to celebrate his day!! 😘

I don't have a bigger heart shape cookie mold, but.... a small heart shape on the cake looks cute too!😍 

🌸🌼🍀" Happy Father's Day!! 💓"🍀🌼🌸



3 egg yolks
pinch of salt
18g vegetable oil
42g water
62g cake flour
1tbsp Cocoa powder (6g)
3 egg whites
40 sugar


  1. Mix egg yolk, salt, oil and water and stir well.
  2. Add in sifted flour and mix well, set aside. Remember to preheat the oven at 175 °C
  3. Whisk egg whites till foamy. Slowly add in sugar and continue beating until peak.
  4. Take a tsp of egg yolk batter and 2 tsp of whisked egg whites and mix well,set aside.
  5. Mix in chocolate powder into egg batter, mix well.
  6. Fold in whites into yolk mixture in three batches.
  7. Place a heart-shaped cookie mold in the middle of a 6" baking pan, put in mixture(4), then slowly pour the batter at the edge of the heart-shaped mold until same level, then use a chopstick to stir the batter a few turns( outside of the heart-shaped mold) , remove slowly of the heart shaped cookie mold, then pour in the rest of the batter. Give a stir with a chopstick but don't stir the middle or else you will spoil the heart shape batter.
  8. Bake in a preheated oven for 10 minutes at 175 °C, take it out, use a knife cut a cross on cake's surface , turn down the heat to 160° C and continue baking for 35 minutes.
  9. Tap the cake pan on the table to release the air bubbles in the cake and immediately invert the cake and let it cool down completely. 

***(Baking time and degree may vary from the brand and type of your oven)

Happy Baking!





  1. 将蛋黄、盐、油和水混合均匀。
  2. 加入过筛面粉搅拌均匀,搁置一旁待用。记得预热烤箱175℃。
  3. 打蛋清至泡沫状,慢慢加入糖,继续搅拌至高峰状态。
  4. 取一小匙蛋黄糊和二小匙蛋白糊拌均匀,备用。
  5. 分三批将蛋白糊和蛋黄糊混合均匀。
  6. 将一个心形模具放入6寸烤模中间,放入(4), 然后将面糊慢慢倒入心形模具边缘直至同一水平,再用一支筷子在心形模具边缘的面糊转几圈,慢慢取出心形模具,然后倒入其余面糊。用筷子划几圈,但不要搅拌中间,否则你会破坏心形状面糊。
  7. 送入已经预热的烤箱175℃烘烤10分钟。将其取出,用刀在蛋糕表面切十字,将烤箱减热至160℃并继续烘烤35分钟。
  8. 蛋糕烤好后,取出在桌上噔两下以除去蛋糕中的气泡,并将蛋糕倒扣至冷却后才脱模。

*** (烘烤时间和程度可能因烤箱的品牌和类型而异,自己自行调整)

食谱参考: 築夢露 daBakery
