Three Cup Chicken (San Bei Ji)三杯鸡

Three Cup Chicken, or “San Bei Ji” (三杯鸡) is a popular dish in Chinese and Taiwanese cuisine. The name refers to the recipe used to make it: A cup each of the three ingredients that create the sauce: rice wine, soy sauce, and sesame oil.
You’ll also note that three cup chicken is very dark and richly colored. This is a personal preference. The ingredient that adds that deep color is the dark soy sauce. If you’d like your dish lighter, just add less and Thai basil into the dish.

1 tablespoon (15 ml) sesame oil
2 tablespoons (30 ml) vegetable oil
1 inch piece of ginger, sliced into rounds
5 cloves garlic, sliced
5 dried red chili, halved
2 chili padi,cut small pieces
1 kg chicken( half chicken), chop into small pieces
½ cup  warm water
¼ cup  shaoxing wine
¼ cup  rice wine
2-5 teaspoons (10-25 ml) dark soy sauce
1½ tablespoons (22 ml) light soy sauce
2 teaspoons (8g) sugar or rock sugar
Small bunch of Thai basil leaves or 2 scallions, cut into 2-inch lengths (or both!)

1.Start by putting the sesame oil, vegetable oil, ginger, garlic, chili padi and dried chili into your wok over medium heat. Let the aromatics infuse the oil for a couple minutes.
2.Then turn up the heat to high, and add the chicken wings to the wok all in one layer. Sear the chicken until golden brown on both sides. 3.Then add ½ cup warm water, ¼ cup Shaoxing wine, ¼ cup  rice wine, dark soy sauce (2-5 teaspoons, depending on how dark you’d like the dish to be), 1½ tablespoons light soy sauce, and 2 teaspoons sugar or rock sugar.
4.Stir and cover the wok. Turn the heat down to medium and simmer for 15 minutes to cook the chicken through (cook for 20 minutes if you want the chicken to be more tender).
5.Then remove the cover and turn up the heat to rapidly reduce the sauce for a few minutes until it clings to the chicken and gives it a rich, dark color. Make sure to stir the chicken during this process to prevent burning.
6.Throw in your Thai basil and/or scallions and fry another minute until it’s wilted. Serve!





1. 鸡肉斩成小块洗净焯水,冷水下锅。冷水下锅的目的是将鸡肉里的血污除去,也可以最大程度地除去鸡肉的禽腥味。焯水后捞出洗净待用。(可以省略这个步骤)

2. 生姜切大片,量可以多一些,大概十几片左右。蒜瓣剥皮、葱切段、红尖椒和辣椒干切段待用。

3. 锅内倒适量麻油和菜油(不用太多,鸡皮炒后会出油)先爆香姜片,姜片比较耐炒,炒至焦黄干香再加入蒜瓣和红尖椒和葱段翻炒。

4. 炒香配料后,倒入鸡块翻炒,炒出香味,加入最重要的调料。调料就是所谓的"三杯"——绍兴酒+酱油+冰糖,用量比例是4:2:1。放了8勺米酒+4勺酱油(生抽2勺,老抽1勺,老抽放多鸡肉颜色乌漆麻黑就不好看了)+1勺冰糖。勺子用喝汤的来量就可以。

5. 大火烧开转小火,让汤汁收干,记得要给鸡块翻身。

6. 汤汁收的差不多时,放入罗勒,盖上锅盖焖一下。罗勒是三杯鸡的灵魂所在,没有了它,就好像一道菜没有了盐,索然无味毫无意义哦!

