No baked Blueberry Lemon Cheesecake蓝莓柠檬免烤芝士蛋糕


I made this simple yet delicious no baked blueberry lemon cheesecake for my birthday. Simple decoration, isn't  it beautiful? Recently, the weather is still very hot , so I decided to make a cake without using oven , just required a refrigerator! Love this beautiful and delicious no baked cheesecake. The taste of the cheesecake is very smooth and the blueberry sauce enhanced the sweetness of the cake, with the biscuit crush is perfect for the cheesecake! I also made a few mini blueberry lemon cheesecakes ..... isn't looks tempting! I used 7" cake molds and made 4 mini cheesecake too.😘


300g       消化饼干磨碎   
100g       溶化牛油  

300g     芝士/乳酪   
100g     细砂糖    
40ml     水   
3 tbp     柠檬汁   
1个       柠檬磨碎的柠檬皮 
18g       鱼胶粉   
200g     原味优格或蓝莓优格 
200g     蓝莓果酱    

1. 将溶化牛油和消化饼碎揉均匀,放入模具里,压平后,冷藏。
2. 把鱼胶粉撒在水面,静置一旁。
3. 用打蛋器打发乳酪和糖直到柔软松发,加入优格,柠檬汁和柠檬皮,再以中低速搅拌至顺滑。
4. 把已浸泡好的鱼胶粉放进微波炉加热20秒,取出搅拌至鱼胶粉完全融化,再倒入芝士糊里充分搅拌均匀。
5. 把一半的芝士糊倒入铺了消化饼底的模具里,加入一半的蓝莓果酱,然后,再把其余的芝士糊和蓝莓果酱倒入。
 6. 用筷子随意划,让果酱分布在芝士糊内,然后,放入冰箱冷藏6个小时以上或隔夜。


Biscuit base:
300g       Ground Digestive biscuits 
100g       Melted butter 

Cheese filling:
300g             Cream Cheese 
100g             Sugar 
3 Tbps          Lemon juice 
1 Lemon      Grated Lemon Peel
40ml            Water 
18g              Gelatin powder 
200g            Plain Yogurt or Blueberry Yogurt 
200g            Blueberry Jam 

1. Mix the ground Digestive biscuits and melted butter well  and put into a mold, flatten it, and chill.

2. Sprinkle the gelatin powder on the surface of the water and let it stand aside.

3. Use a whisk to beat the cheese and sugar until soft and fluffy, add yogurt, lemon juice and lemon zest, then beat it at a medium speed.

4. Put the soaked gelatin powder into the microwave for 20 seconds, remove and stir until the gelatin powder is completely dissolved, then pour it into the cheese batter and mix well.

5. Pour half of the cheese batter onto the biscuit crushed, add half of the blueberry jam, and then pour the remaining cheese batter and add the blueberry jam.

6. Use a chopstick to make a swirl pattern, then put it in the refrigerator for more than 6 hours or overnight.

Happy Making!
