Coffee Chiffon Cake咖啡戚风蛋糕

好久没有做戚风蛋糕了!今天心血来潮,做了这个咖啡戚风蛋糕。蛋糕体回缩很多,所以不是很满意!也许,烤箱气温太高、又或是蛋白打得不够发、还是摸具太大了? 我在研究研究看吧!😅食谱是用8寸烤模,而我用的应该是9寸或10寸烤模。。。我也不清楚自己的烤模是多少寸的,哈哈!😅

5 egg yolks  (蛋黄)
50g  caster sugar  (细砂糖)
50g corn oil(玉米油)
100ml milk (牛奶水)
1 tbsp instant coffee powder (即溶咖啡粉)
1 tbsp boiling water (热水)(To disolve coffee powder)
1 tbsp coffee liqueur(optional)(咖啡酒,随意)
150g plain flour(普通面粉或低筋面粉)

5 egg whites (蛋白)
100g caster sugar (细砂糖)

22cm (8”) chiffon cake pan
22cm (8寸)戚风烤模( 我应该是用了24cm (9寸)戚风烤模😅)

以150°C烤45分钟,再改180°C 烤10分钟。
Bake in a preheated oven at 150°C for 45 minuets. Then bake at 180°C for 10 minuets.


(1) Prepare the coffee mixture first. Mix all the ingredients (A) together and stir till smooth.
(2) Whisk egg white till bubbly form,  then gradually pour in sugar and whisk till medium-stiff peak.
(3) Gently fold mixture (1) and (2) together and pour into a tube pan.
(4) Bake at 150c for about 45 minuets, after that bake at 180°C for 10 minuets.
(5)  Remove cake from oven, invert cake onto cooling rack until completely cooled before removing from the pan.
(6) Remove cake from tube pan and slice.



Enjoy Baking!
