Braised Pork Belly with Yam芋头扣肉(2)


带皮三层肉                600克 
去皮芋头                    半粒或400克 

生抽                            1大匙
五香粉                        1/2茶匙

小洋葱                        10粒 (切碎)
蒜瓣                            1粒 (切碎)
南乳                            2块(磨碎) 
八角                            1 颗
蚝油                            2大匙 
黑酱油                        1/2茶匙 
绍兴酒                        1大匙 
麻油                            1/2茶匙 
白糖                            2大匙
清水                            150ml

1. 三层肉洗净,切厚片,大火汆烫约5分钟,捞起沥干水分,用腌料腌30分钟。
2. 烧热油锅加入少许油,放入切碎的小洋葱小火炒香,再加入蒜头碎一起炒至微微呈金黄色,加入八角稍微炒香,再加入所有的调味料煮至滚,备用。
3. 芋头去皮切成如猪肉大小的块状,然后放入油锅炸至芋头呈金黄色,取出沥干油分。
4. 把腌好的猪肉片也稍微的炸至金黄,捞起沥干置旁。
5.  用一个碗盘,将芋头片和三层肉片间隔扣好,淋上扣肉酱。
6. 锅里加入清水,煮滚后,将扣好的肉,大火蒸约1小时或软,先倒出酱汁,然后取出倒扣在盘,烧热酱汁,勾芡,淋上扣肉就可享用。(我用电蒸锅,蒸25分钟,蒸好后,我在重复蒸多一次,那么肉片蒸得够软,芋头吃起来入口即化。)

Pork Belly with skin 600 g
Peeled taro  1/2 or 400g

Pork Belly marinade:
Soy sauce 1 tbsp
5 spice 1/2 teaspoon

Small onion 10  (chopped)
Garlic cloves 1 (chopped)
Preserved beancurd 2 pieces (grinded)
Anise 1
Oyster sauce 2 tablespoons
Black soy sauce 1/2 teaspoon
Shaoxing wine 1 tablespoon
Sesame oil 1/2 teaspoon
2 tbsp white sugar
Water 150ml

1. Wash the pork belly, cut into thick slices, simmer for about 5 minutes on high heat, dish out  and drain the water, and marinate for 30 minutes.

2. Add a little oil to the pan, add the chopped onion and sauté . Add the garlic and stir-fry until slightly golden brown. Add the Anise and slightly saute, then add all the seasonings, boiled. Dish out and set aside.

3. Cut the taro as same size of pork belly, then fry the taro until golden brown. Remove and drain the oil.

4. Fry the marinated pork belly till golden color and dish out and set aside..

5. Using a bowl, arrange the taro slices and the pork belly alternately  and pour in  the sauce.

6. Boil water and steam it for about 1 hour or until soft, remove and pour out the sauce first, then take it out and pour it on the plate. Heat the sauce, thicken it, and pour it on the meat, serve. (I used an electric steamer, steam for 25 minutes, after steaming, I steamed it once more, so the meat is steamed soft enough.)

Recipe reference: Aunty Young

Happy Cooking!
