Homemade Kaya (7)

I love this kaya jam, it's sweet, silky, aromatic and smooth. Once you taste this kaya jam, I am sure you would be hooked on.... Hehehe... 😁
If my late mother was to taste this kaya jam, I am sure she would be so proud of me.😉
My kaya recipe below is quick and easy and takes less than 30 minutes, unlike the traditional way of double-boiling is probably takes for an hour of stirring.😏

No need double boiling method, cook 10 to 15 minutes to get a smooth and fragrant Kaya.

3 eggs 
180g sugar( 100g brown sugar & 80g castor sugar)
250g coconut milk  
6 Pandan leaf ( cut in small pieces or tie a knot)

1. Eggs, sugar and coconut milk mixed well.
2. Sieved the eggs mixtures into cooking pan(optional), add Pandan leaves.
3. Cook over low heat,  keep stirring (be quick) until the kaya is thickened.
4. Heat up 1tbp of sugar to get a caramel sugar, once it turn into brown colour turn off heat and add into kaya and mix well. (Optional)
5. If the kaya jam is not so smooth, blend in a blender to get a smooth jam.( optional)

1. Use a thick pan to cook kaya.
2. Please use fresh coconut milk.
3. The kaya cannot keep too long. The best is keep for one or two weeks. It's best to keep it fresh to store it in the refrigerator.

Happy Making!
