马卡龙是法国最有名的甜点, 好吃但是好贵。我做的山寨版马卡龙,是用低筋面粉代替杏仁粉,大大减少了成本,一样可以做出带有美丽的裙边,外脆理嫩的马卡龙,只是少了一丝淡淡的杏仁的味道。
低筋面粉 70g
蛋白 60g
糖粉 80g (建议用细砂糖打直粉末)
细砂糖 60g
Tartar粉 少许
1. 糖粉和低筋面粉过筛备用。
2. 蛋白加入Tartar粉用中速开始打直起粗泡 加入细砂糖。细砂糖分3次加入。
蛋白打直硬性发泡 。(当打蛋器用力摔,蛋白也不会脱落就是硬性发泡。)
3. 用刮棒将过筛好的低糖粉 用翻版手法 分3次加入打好的蛋白。
(翻版好了的蛋白 拿起刮棒有点轻泻的感觉 或者滴落时10秒内不再流动就行了)
4. 翻版好了装入挤花袋。挤出大小一直的圆行挤上不沾布。若有小气泡可以用牙签戳破,然后自然风干。(可以放在比较热的地方 然后开大风扇,半小时就干了)
5. 马卡龙表面不沾手后开始预热烤箱。 150度 预热 。140度 烤15-18分钟。
6. 待马卡龙完全冷却了再从不沾布拔下。若马卡龙还会粘着不沾布表示还不够熟 再送入烤箱烤5分钟。建议在旁观察 以免烤焦。
Plain flour 70g
Egg whites 60g
Powdered sugar 80g
Castor Sugar 60g
Tartar powder 1/4tsp
1. Powdered sugar and plain flour sieved.
2. Add the Tartar powder to egg whites and beat at medium speed. Add in sugar in 3 batches. Beat the egg whites till stiffed foamed.
3. Add sifted flour mixture and fold with spatula.
4. Fill in a pipping bag. Squeeze it onto a baking paper. If there are small bubbles, poke it with a toothpick and then air dry(until they form a thin film over the top).
5. Preheated the oven at 150 degrees . Bake at 140 degrees for 15-18 minutes.
6. Wait until the macaron is completely cooled and then remove from baking paper. If macarons still stick to the baking paper, it means not cooked enough and then be sent to the oven for 5 minutes. It is recommended to observe it next to avoid scorching.
7. Pipe frosting generously onto half of your macarons and sandwich gently with the second cookie shell.
*** If making chocolate macaron, add in 10g of chocolate powder.
If making green tea macarons, add in 10g of green tea powder.
Happy Baking!
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