Peanut Butter Jam花生酱

I love Peanut Butter Jam. After doing some research, this recipe is my elder son's favourite type. 😘
Home Made Peanut Butter is a quick, home-style version of the classic spread. It’s simple to make — all you need is a food processor and simple ingrediets: Peanuts, salt, sugar and vegetable oil to form a delicious smooth paste. No added chemicals, preservatives or colours, just all natural ingredients - give it a go!😊


300 g skinned raw peanuts (2 cups)
5 tbsp cooking oil
1 tbsp butter
3 tbsp fine granulated sugar
½ tsp salt
(tbsp = tablespoon, tsp = teaspoon)


1 Place raw peanuts on baking tray, roast in pre-heated oven at 180°C(350°F) until golden brown, about 20 minutes. You may use frying pan/skillet to roast peanuts.
2 Set aside to cool at well-ventilated area.
3 Add in cooking oil, butter, sugar and salt, process in a food processor on high speed.
4 Pause to scrape down the sides, process in blender until completely smooth, about 3 minutes.
5 Store in airtight container and keep refrigerated, homemade peanut butter will stay fresh for few months in the fridge.


2杯 花生( 去皮, 大约300克)
5汤匙 食用油
1汤匙 黄油 (或人造奶油)
3汤匙 细砂糖
半茶匙 盐

1 把花生铺平在烤盘,放入预热180度摄氏的烤箱里。 时间大约需要20分钟。花生也可以用锅炒香至金黄色。
2 从烤炉里取出。放在通风的地方,冷却待用。
3 把所有食材放进料理机,攪拌至滑身成糊狀。
4 途中需停止數次,不时搅拌。

5 完成了。花生酱自己动手做不难。喜欢颗粒或滑顺的都可以自己决定。

Source from:  清闲廚房

Enjoy Making!
