Chocolate Tiramisu Cake巧克力提拉米苏蛋糕

This year, it’s tiramisu cake for my son's birthday celebrations. 
It’s just like the traditional Italian dessert, only in layer cake form. Rather than using ladyfingers, aka Savoiardi, I'm baking three layers of sponge cake. 

My son requested his birthday cake with liquor flavors. So I made this Tiramisu cake for him. I used 50ml Kahlua only.... and my son said the liquor taste was too mild....hmm....should added brandy for a boozy kick.

No matter how many of your birthdays will come, you will always be my little boy! 💖
I wish you nothing but happiness and healthiness. May you be showered with wonderful blessings along the way.... Happy 21st Birthday and love you son!💖🎂




蛋黄 4粒,
粟米油 65g
牛奶 45g

底筋面粉 50g
无糖巧克力粉 30g

蛋白 4粒
幼糖 30g


1) 将 (A)隔水溶化,搅拌均匀,备用。
2) 将蛋黄打散,加入粟米油打匀,加入(1)拌匀,筛入(c)拌匀,待用。
3) 把(C)的蛋白加入柠檬汁打发,幼糖分次加入继续打至湿性发泡。
4) 把打发的蛋白糊分三次加入蛋黄糊里切面轻轻翻拌均匀,倒入铺了油纸 7”的模具里。放入已预热烤箱中层,170度 烤50分钟或至熟即可。
5) 取出倒扣在烤架上,趁热撕掉油纸。待冷后,把蛋糕切成三片备用。

Tiramisu cheese 层材料:

蛋黄2个、细砂糖50g、鲜奶50g、吉利丁粉6g、芝士奶油 200g、细砂糖1汤匙


巧克力砖 150g、动物性鲜奶油 150g、牛油半汤匙

7) 把蛋糕放进冰箱凝固,大约5、6个小时或隔夜。
9) 再放入冰箱冷藏数小时后才脱模,修切四边,摆上水果装饰即可。

Chocolate Tiramisu Cake (7 "square mold)

Cake ingrideants:

Bitter sweet chocolate block 100g
Fresh cream 100g
~(Pre-cooked over boiling water)

4 egg yolk 
Corn oil or melted butter 65g
Milk 45g

Flour 50g
Sugarless Cocoa Powder 30g

4 egg whites
Lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon
sugar 30g


1) Dissolve (A) over boiling water, stir evenly and set aside.

2) Beaten the egg yolk, add in corn oil and mix well, add (1) mix well, sieve in (c) mix well,set aside.

3)Beat (C) with lemon juice, and add in sugar in two batches and beat it untill soft peak.

4) Add in beaten egg white in3 batches into egg yolk batterand gently mix thoroughly, pour into the 7 " line cake tin and bake in a  preheated oven 170 degrees band ake for 50 minutes or until cooked.

5) Remove from oven and invate it on the rack, tear off the paper and let it cool. After the cake is cool completly, cut the cake into three slices.

Tiramisu cheese layer:

Egg yolk 2, fine sugar 50g, fresh milk 50g, gelatin 6g,  cream cheese  200g, fine sugar 1 tablespoon
Coffee syrup:
Kahlua (coffee) 50g, instant coffee powder 1 teaspoon add a little hot water to stir evenly

Chocolate topping:
Chocolate brick 150g, whipping cream 150g, butter 1/2 tbsp
Put all the ingredients into a pot and heat it over a  boiling water to disolve the chocolate.

1) Melt the gelatin with hot water, set aside.

2) Egg yolk, sugar + fresh milk mixing well, cook over boiling water till slight bubly form. Keep stirring until it get bubly foam then leave the fire. Add in melted gelatin and mix well.

3) Mix in cream cheese and stir until smooth, set aside.

4) Beat fresh cream and fine sugar until 70-80%.

5) Add in beaten fresh cream into the cheese batter and stir evenly till smooth.

6) Put a slice of cake into cake pan, brush with a layer of coffee syrup. And then pour the right amount of cheese batter, and then stacked on the second slice of cake, brushit  with coffee syrup, repeated pouring the cheese batter. The top of the cake is the cheese batter.

7) Put the cake in the fridge for about 5 to 6 hours or overnight.

8) Finally, pour the chocolate cream over the cheese layer of the cake.

9) Refrigerator the cake for few hours, remove cake from mold and cut the four sides, decoration with fruit as desire.

食谱来源: Joceline Lyn

Happy Baking!
