Super Soft Dinner Rolls- 港式西餐厅餐包

Super Soft Dinner Rolls- 港式西餐厅餐包


中筋面粉 3 杯
高筋面粉 1杯
酵母 1 汤匙
白糖 2 汤匙
暖牛奶 1 - 1/2 杯
盐 1 茶匙
牛油 (室温) 2 汤匙

**牛油 (融化) 1 汤匙 (为了让面包表面光亮,你必须在烘烤后刷上它。)


  1. 将暖牛奶,酵母和白糖搅拌均匀,蓋上保鮮紙,搁置5分钟。
  2. 再將所有材料放入搓成光滑的面团。
  3. 将面团滾圆,盖上保鮮紙,放到烤箱进行第一次20分钟发酵。
  4. 20分钟后,面团漲大约1倍,取出。
  5. 将面团分割成等份约43克的小面团,再分別滾圆,盖上布,放到烤箱进行第二次40分钟的最后发酵。
  6. 发酵完成后,放入已预热200℃的烤箱中,烤15分钟即成。
  7. 刷上融化牛油。


(Yield: 20 dinner rolls) 

3 cups All-Purpose Flour 
1 cup  High Protein Flour
1 tablespoon Active Dry Yeast 
2 tablespoons Sugar
1 - 1/2 cups lukewarm Milk
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons Butter, softened
**1 tablespoon Butter, melted (*For the shine, you'd have to brush it on after baking.)


  1. MIx warm milk, yeast and sugar evenly, covered and leave a side for 5 minutes.
  2. Add all the ingredients in the yeast mixture and knead into a smooth dough.
  3. Round the dough and covered, put in the oven for  20 minutes of proofing.
  4. 20 minutes later, the dough rose about double size, remove from bowl.
  5. Divided the dough into equal parts about 43 grams of small dough, and then rounded, covered with cloth, put into the oven for 40 minutes of the final proofing.
  6. After the completion of the proofing, put into the preheated oven bake at 200 ℃  for 15 minutes.
  7. Brush the melted butter after baking.

**flattened the dough, wrapped in the filling, and then rounded,  covered with cloth, put into the oven for 40 minutes of the final proofing.

Source from(recipe modified): Tasty Cooking Studio

Happy Baking!
