Butter Cheesy Crispy Tofu 奶油芝士脆豆腐

There were some tofu in the fridge..... and then I was last minute came out with this recipe.....Phew.... I have to say, the appearance and the taste of this dish is okay lar! Hahaha.....😉

4 pieces  tofu(cut into small cubes)
1 stalk    red chilli( cut)
1tbp       butter
1 slice    Gouda cheese
half cup   milk
some chopped garlic
salt and pepper


1. Heat up the oil in the wok, fry the tofu till crispy, dish out.
2. Leave some oil in the wok, add in butter, saute the garlic.
3. Add in cheese and milk till cheese completely melted, add in cut chilli and crispy tofu , add in salt and pepper and fry till tofu evenly coated with cheese cream, then dish out.

Happy Making!
