Blueberry Ogura Cake 蓝莓相思蛋糕

I baked this Bluberry Ogura Cake for my former teachers at Star Reunion Night (16th July 2016). It was my honored to prepare this cake to welcome my teachers.... ^^

Blueberry Ogura Cake 蓝莓相思蛋糕 

Ingredients :
5              Egg yolks
1              whole  Egg 
65g           Corn oil
80ml        Milk
1/4 tsp     Salt
100g         All purpose flour
1 tsp          Vanilla essence 

5         Egg whites 
80g             Sugar
1/4 tsp       Tartar powder 

Method :
1.  Mix corn oil, milk, salt, egg yolks + vanilla essence and mix well.
2.  Add in sifted flour and mix well, leave it aside .
3. Beat egg whites + tartar powder till bubbles, add in sugar in 3 patches and beat till stiff formed.
4. Add 1/3 beaten egg whites into egg yolks mixture and mix well, then add into the remaining beaten egg whites and mix well.
5.  Pour into a 8" baking tin and bake at the bottom of the oven at 170c for 45mins. 

材料 :
全蛋 1粒 
蛋黄 5粒 
牛奶 70g 
粟米油 45g 
低筋面粉 65g (我用100g)
香草粉 1/2 茶匙 (也可用香草精)

蛋白 5粒 
幼糖 80g 
塔塔粉 1/4 茶匙或少许


1. 蛋黄及全蛋,牛奶, 粟米油和香草粉打至起小泡, 再加入低粉打至滑待用(不要吹到风,我用布盖着) 。

 2. 材料B打至发泡起勾。 混合 A+B 轻轻搅拌均匀。 *蛋糕完全冷却才切效果更美,而且会比较好吃

* 烤箱: 8寸方模,蒸烘法170度烤45分钟或至熟。


Enjoy Baking !!
