Light Cheesecake轻乳酪蛋糕

My little prince wants to eat light cheese cake.... Nah! Made two for u dear! ❤

👇Alamak!!! The cheesecake rose too high till it cracked.

Just because I was too lazy to use hot towel when removing the cheesecake from the cake pan.... so the edges looked so uneven ......

This is Cappuccino flavor cheesecake.... I used a tsp of cappuccino paste  mixed with plain cheese batter to make a flower pattern on top the cheesecake. A little bit of Cappuccino flavor to enhance the taste.... love it!!

 My little boy still prefer the original flavor cheesecake.

Light Cheesecake 轻乳酪蛋糕

  • (A) Low Fat Milk 250g,20g Butter
  • (B) 120g Cream Cheese
  • (C) 50g Flour
  • (D) 3 Yolks,1tsp Vanilla Essence
  • (E) 3 Whites,60g Sugar
  1. Preheat oven 160deg with a tray of water ( water bath)
  2. Line the bottom of 7" baking pan with paper.
  3. Cook (A) until boil。
  4. Cream (B) until smooth.
  5. Pour (A) into (B) and mix until well blended.
  6. Add (C) and mix until well combined. Place it over double-boiler. Mix until thickens. Remove.
  7. Add (D) and mix until well blended.
  8. Whip Whites in (E) until foamy.
  9. Add cream of tartar follow by sugar, whip until soft peak.
  10. Gently fold 1/3 whites into yolk mixture until well-mixed。
  11. Fold in the rest of whites。
  12. Pour batter into baking pan. Place on top on water-bath.
  13. Bake in preheated oven for 60-70 minutes. Leave cake in oven with oven switch off and leave door open ajar to cool. Remove cake when cooled and best served chilled.

  1. 材料:
    • (A)250克 鲜奶,20克牛油
    • (B)120克 奶油乳酪(切小块)
    • (C)50克 低粉 (过筛)
    • (D)3个蛋黄,1小匙香草精
    • (E)3个蛋白,60克糖

    1. 将(A)煮滚。
    2. 把(B)拌打均匀至无颗粒状。
    3. 把(A) 加入 (B)中拌匀。
    4. 加入(C) 拌匀。把拌好的面糊以隔水方式蒸煮至浓稠。离火。
    5. 加入蛋黄和香精搅拌均匀,搁置备用。
    6. 蛋白加糖打至湿性发泡。
    7. 将蛋白和拌好的面糊用橡皮刮刀混合起来。
    8. 将拌好的蛋糕糊倒入7模中。(如用活底活扣的模具会漏,下面要包锡纸。如用固定的模就在整个模里放上一张油纸,这样很好脱模,但外型不好看)。
    9. 烤箱预热160度,蒸烤60-70分钟。
    10. 乳酪蛋糕烘烤完毕,把烤箱门稍微打开,让蛋糕在烤炉里自然放凉。
    11. 移出冷却的蛋糕,脱模享用。

食谱参考: Jane's Corner

Happy Baking!
