Blueberry Cheesecake 蓝莓芝士蛋糕




100g 苏打饼干 (压碎) 
50g 无盐奶油 
250g 奶油乳酪 
50g 幼糖
2 tbp 面粉(我加了2汤匙)
2 粒蛋 
200g 动物性鲜奶油 
1 罐 蓝莓优格
2tsp 柠檬汁


100g 蓝莓果酱


1) 在烤盘周边刷上奶油,底部垫蛋糕纸备用. 

2) 无盐奶油软化后,加入饼干碎拌匀, 铺在烤盘底部压紧, 放进冰箱. 

3) 奶油乳酪在室温软化后, 加入幼糖, 用搅拌机打至松发。 

4) 把蛋逐粒加入,并打发至光滑状。 

5) 加入柠檬汁,优格及鲜奶油,搅拌成光滑的乳酪糊. 

6) 将乳酪糊倒入饼干底上, 预热烤炉,以水浴法,用160度烤约70分钟.

7) 熄火后,让蛋糕继续留在烤炉里30分钟才取出。

8) 取出冷却, 铺上蓝莓酱,再放入冰箱3小时至定型才脱模。

Blueberry Cheesecake

100g Crackers (crushed)
50g unsalted butter
250g cream cheese
50g caster sugar
2 tbp flour (I added 2 tablespoons)
2 eggs
200g Whipped cream 
1 can of blueberry yogurt
2tsp lemon juice

Upper fillings:
100g blueberry jam

1) Greese the pan & line a baking paper.

2) Combine softened butter with crushed biscuit . Press mixture onto bottom of prepared pan and chill it in the refrigerator.

3) Cream the softened cheese , add caster sugar, beat  until fluffy.

4) Add in eggs one by one , beat  until  smooth.

5) Add in lemon juice, yogurt and Whipped cream into cheese mixture and beat until smooth.

6) Pour the cheese mixture  into the crust-lined springform pan, use the water bath method, bake at 160 degrees for about 70 minutes.

7) Turn off the heat and leave the cake in the oven 30 minutes before removing.

8) Remove the cooled cake, covered with blueberry sauce, then chill into the refrigerator for 3 hours before serving.


Happy Baking!
