苏打饼蛋糕(Crackers cake)


苏打饼蛋糕(Crackers cake)

6个     A蛋
250g  牛油
150g  细糖
300g  苏打饼(打碎成粉末)
20g    Milo粉/可可粉

1.  将牛油和糖打至松发。
2.  鸡蛋逐粒加入,在加入苏打饼粉搅拌均匀
3.  面糊分三份,其中一份加入milo粉 
4.  先倒入一份原味面糊于抹了油的8寸烤盘,大火蒸10-12分钟(一层熟了,才蒸下一层),熟了再蒸可可味道的,最后一层蒸原味的
5.  最后一层蒸25-30分钟或蛋糕熟透即可。待凉,切块享用。

6       A eggs 
250g butter 
150g fine sugar 
300g soda biscuits (Grind it into powder) 
20g   Milo powder / cocoa powder 

1) beat the butter and sugar until fluffy. 

2) add in eggs gradually. Lastly, add in soda biscuits flour and mix well. 

3) divide the batter into three portions, one portion added milo powder and mix well.

4) Pour the plain  batter into a  greased 8-inch baking pan, and steam for 10-12 minutes (steamed the first layer before pour in the next layer), then steam the cocoa/milo batter, and finally a layer of plain batter.

5) the last  layer batter steam for 25-30 minutes or untill cooked.  Let it cool completely before cut it into pieces to enjoy.

食谱来自:Step Wong Kitchen 

Enjoy Baking!
