Homemade Chinese Pork Jerky (Bak Kwa) 肉干

Bak Kwa is a popular snack for Chinese New Year....Since Bak Kwa is very costly today, I decided to make these yummy snack for my family.^^

This is the 1st time I did Bak Kwa (Chinese Pork Jerky), amazing how easy to make this at home.... :)

Do you want some?  What shapes do you like? Square or round? ^^

(Recipe modified)

Minced Pork-600g
2 Tablespoons of cooking oil 
2 Tablespoons oyster sauce 
Hua Diao wine -1 tablespoon 
2 Tablespoons soy sauce 
some dashes of white pepper


1. All ingredients marinate overnight, store in the fridge. 
2. Put the baking sheet on a baking tray, then use  hand (I use a metal spoon), slowly spread the marinated minced pork thinly onto the baking tray . 
3. Bake in 120 degrees for 10 minutes, take out and  cut into 4 square size pieces or cut into your desired size and shape using scissor,place them in the same baking tray.
4.  Put back into oven and bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes, check the color,  turn the other side, then bake for 10 minutes until golden brown with slight burnt.
5.  Once done, let it cool and enjoy!


肉碎-600gm 食油-2汤匙 蚝油-2汤匙 花雕酒-1汤匙 生抽-2汤匙 糖-140gm
白胡椒粉 少许

1. 全部材料腌隔夜, 存放进冰箱。, 2. 放烘焙纸在烘盘上,然后用手(我用汤匙) 慢慢将腌好的肉碎,压在烘盘上,铺不要太厚,铺平整个烘盘, 放去烘箱。。
3. 烘烤120度10分钟,看到干了,能拿上来剪四方形。 4. 放进烤箱, 烘烤180度10分钟,看到变色,拿出来,翻另一面,再烘10分钟至到边沿有一点焦焦的。时间自己掌握,能烘到还有汁,就更加完美了。 5. 烤好了,待凉。

Enjoy making !
