Vegetable Pao (菜包 )

今天兴起念头想做菜包来吃。就做了这菜包来当宵夜和明天的早餐。 卖相不是很美但很好吃!^^

包粉 500g
自发酵母 6g
糖  100g (我用80g)
食油 50g
水 250g

沙葛  两粒(中型)
红萝卜 两条
虾米  两大汤匙
蒜米  两大汤匙
蚝油  两大汤匙
黑酱油 半汤匙
胡椒粉 少许(个人喜欢)
盐   半茶匙
麻油  一茶匙半
糖   半茶匙
鸡精粉 一茶匙


1. 包粉与酵母混合均匀。将糖溶于水中。
2. 将所有材料搅拌成均匀光滑面团。让面团发酵35至40分钟。
3. 将面团分割,每粒50g。滚圆,松弛10分钟。

Pao skin: 
Bread flour 500g 
Instant yeast 6g 
Sugar 100g (I used 80g) 
Cooking oil 50g 
Water 250g 

2 MediumSweet Turnip(Shagok) 
2 Carrots 
2tbps Dried shrimp 
2tbps Garlic 
2tbps  Oyster sauce 
1/2tbps Dark soy sauce 
Pepper (personal favorite) 
1/2tsp Salt 
1+1/2tsps Sesame oil 
1/2tsp Sugar 
1tsp Chicken stock

1.Shredded the carrot & shagok. 
2. Saute dried shrimp and garlic in hot oil until fragrant. Add in shredded shage and carrot, add all seasonings . In the process of cooking add a little water, add  mixed corn flour and water, and cook until sauce thicken, leave it to cool . 

Mehod for making the pao skin: 
1. Mix the yeast and flour.  Dissolved sugar in water. 
2. Mixing all the ingredients and knead to form a smooth dough. Rest  for 35-40 minutes. 
3. Divide the dough 50g each. Rest for 10 minutes. 
4. Rolled the dough into round shape, put filling into the middle of the dough. Then wrap up into a pao shape. Put a piece of paper under the pao . 
5. Rest for 15-20 minutes. 
6. Put the  paos into the steamer, use high-temperature steam for 15 minutes.

Enjoy making!!
