包粉 500g
自发酵母 6g
糖 100g (我用80g)
食油 50g
水 250g
1. 包粉与酵母混合均匀。将糖溶于水中。
2. 将所有材料搅拌成均匀光滑面团。让面团发酵35至40分钟。
3. 将面团分割,每粒50g。滚圆,松弛10分钟。
4. 将面团辗成圆薄片,上层抹上一层油,将包皮对折,底面放一张纸。
5. 让面团发酵15至20分钟。
6. 将包子放入蒸笼中,用高温蒸15分钟。
五花肉 1公斤 (1 汤匙蒜茸 ,1小匙糖,半茶匙盐,2汤匙酱油,2汤匙浓酱油,2汤匙蚝油,半茶匙胡椒粉,半汤匙油,将所有调味料拌均五花肉腌制1 到2小时。)
蒜头 2整 粒
糖 半茶匙
酱油 1 汤匙
浓酱油 1 汤匙
蚝油 1 汤匙
1. 烧热油,放入五花肉煎一煎,两面都煎。然后,加入水,刚刚好盖过五花肉,加入蒜头,调味料,盖着焖煮半个小时。间中要翻一翻五花肉。试试味道,自己再调味。焖煮至肉软汁少了,加入调好的粟粉水勾芡,煮滚后熄火。
Pao skin:
Bread flour 500g
Instant yeast 6g
Sugar 100g (I used 80g)
Cooking oil 50g
Water 250g
Mehod for making the pao skin:
1. Mix the yeast and flour. Dissolved sugar in water.
2. Mixing all the ingredients and knead to form a smooth dough. Rest for 35-40 minutes.
3. Divide the dough 50g each. Rest for 10 minutes.
4. Rolled the dough into round shape, the upper layer smeared a layer of oil, fold up the pao skin. Put a piece of paper under the pao .
5.Rest for 15-20 minutes.
6. Put the paos into the steamer, use high-temperature steam for 15 minutes.
Pork 1 kg (1 tablespoon garlic, 1 teaspoon sugar, ½ teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons thick soy sauce, 2 tablespoons oyster sauce, ½ teaspoon pepper, half tablespoon oil, all the seasonings and mix well marinated about 2 hours.
2 cloves whole garlic
½ teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon thick soy sauce
Method :
1 Heat oil, pan fry the pork , fry both sides. Then, add water, just covered above the pork, add garlic, seasonings, and simmer with covered for half an hour. Occasionally to turn over the pork. Cook until the meat is soft and less water, add cornstarch to thicken and boiled then dish out.
Happy Making!!
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