Coffee Ogura Cake/ Coffee Acacia Cake

This cake is soft  and moist.....the texture is in between the sponge cake and cotton cake ..... very nice ! I prefer to eat plain like this without any cream. 😘

Tadar...... the Coffee Ogura Cake has transformed to this coffee butter cream Acacia cake !. (⌒▽⌒)  We need to make up and dress up nicely, so does the cake mah !  Hehee... Sorry for my poor decoration ! 😅

Coffee Ogura Cake咖啡相思蛋糕

Ingredients :
65g           Corn oil
80ml        Milk
100g         Egg yolks
1                 Egg (I omitted this)
1/4 tsp     Salt
100g         All purpose flour
1 tsp           Coffee Emulco

200g         Egg whites ( I used 235g)
1/2 tsp       Tartar powder ( I used Vinegar)
75g             Sugar

Method :
1.  Mix corn oil, milk, salt, egg yolks + coffee emulco and mix well.

2.  Add in sifted flour and mix well, leave it aside .

3. Beat egg whites + vinegar till bubbles, add in sugar in 3 batches and beat till stiff formed.

4. Add 1/3 beaten egg whites into egg yolks mixture and mix well, then add into the remaining beaten egg whites and mix well.

5.  Pour into a 7" baking tin and bake at the bottom of the oven at 180c for 48 - 55 mins. ( I should used 8' or 9' cake pan because the cake rose too high)

Enjoy Baking !!
