Qing Ming清明节






- 杜牧

Qing Ming or Tomb Sweeping Day

One of the most important festival in the Chinese calendar is the Qing Ming or Tomb Sweeping Day.

Many times, this is a entire family trip, whereby parents will share the value of Qing Ming with their young children and impressing onto them the Chinese tradition of honoring their elderly, lost relatives or ancestors.

It is not uncommon to find traffic jams and chaotic mess at these remote temples, graveyards and crematoriums which are normally quiet throughout the entire year but tend to see massive crowd whenever Qing Ming comes about.

Today, the whole family go to graveyard to pay the annual visit to father in law.As usual,we brought the food (as above picture ) & spirit money for him to use in the spiritual world. Hence,in turn, we believed that father in law's blessing will give the living family continue to prosper through good harvests & well living.
